

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Computer Cupboard or the one Where I promise I don't hate anyone named Amy

Have you ever had that project where everything goes wrong? Well this is without a doubt the worst one for me ever!

It started off so well, I found this computer cupboard on ebay an instantly fell in love with it. I watched it for days and since I never have much luck on ebay figured I would probably lose it. In the last few minutes I fought off another buyer and ended up getting it for $71. Which was a bargain considering it was over $500 new. Oh was I a happy lass!

The entire time I was watching, this picture made me giggle, but rest assured, I love me some Amys! The first problem I had was that we got totally lost trying to find the place and when we finally did, the darn thing almost didn't fit in the back of my Mum Mobile (a ford territory (which is a 7 seater mini van type thing) I had Samuel with me for muscle and between the two of us we put down the seats and managed to get it in. Both of us close to tears, mind you.

Then came the painting. I used chalk paint, the bought stuff, first time using it....and it all peeled. Arrggh, so I had to sand it and repaint. Turned out it was a little hot. The weather somehow escaped my notice because the cupboard wasn't the only thing peeling the next day, I was cooked like a lobster.

Then I had the (not so) brilliant idea of making faux tin tiles using BBQ trays.

I cut and embossed them in the big shot and proceeded to glue them on. This was the next nightmare. I was just going to hot glue them but was worried they wouldn't stick, as hot glue has a tendency to melt around these parts. First I used super glue, the next morning they were half coming off. So then I tried adhesive spray, still no good. Then I got the silicone guessed it, came off. Would you believe I got the glue gun out as a last resort, perfect!

I had the idea I would paint then distress, but the tiles weren't nice and crisp like I had wanted the edge were too rough. I carried on painting but the distressing was a joke, the only thing distressed in this project was, you guessed it, me.

So I finished it off and to say I wasn't too pleased is an understatement but I was happy to have a computer desk I could nicely pack away, so I put it in the craft room, and OMG it was way to big and just no good for the space. There it sat while I cursed and damned the thing to hell, then took some pictures.

Someone in the house ended up happy. Jack has a little nook in the kids living room for his computer, turned out it was the perfect fit in there. It also hides all his clutter and mess so I am happy to say that it is at least good for him. He loved it, minus the red handles that he keeps asking me to replace.

DIY Delight or Disaster? The whole process from whoa to go was a complete nightmare, from the car trip to the very end. On the other hand it has been very useful for hiding Jack's crap so I am at least grateful for that, however I am putting it down as a disaster! I think down the track I will remove the "faux" tiles and start again. I will make it a little more manly for Jack but honestly for now my heart's not in it.

Have you had any disasters lately?

Mel xo


  1. I would have burnt it the 1st time the paint peeled ! Well, glad someone is making use of it ;-)

  2. If something hides crap, I love it! Maybe you will get inspired to change it up later on when you forget about all the pain you've been through, kind of like childbirth....

  3. Anything that stores my stuff is a delight for me! I like it! :)

  4. So disappointed to hear about your "disaster." Goes to show not everything works out like we plan it in our mind. I'm very surprised to hear about your mishap with chalk paint. I have never used it and now I am concerned about all it's spoken glory. Maybe someone with experience using chalk paint can speak on the peeling. Anyway I'm sure when you're relaxed and all the anxiety of this has worn off, you will try a new approach to saving this wonderful piece.

  5. I am so sorry for you Mel.....All that work and expense of painting to have it peel. Especially chalk paint as it's not cheap. I can't tell from your pics looks fine. The tin panels on the other hand is pure genius!!! Now I am going to have to keep my eye open for this embossing tool. I think contact cement would have worked. We actually used it for some of our molding in the dormer as the exterior walls were styrofoam so there was nothing to nail it to unless we used extremely long nails. I would have to be in perma sunscreen living where you do. If you spray vinegar on a sunburn, it take the pain away! Poor girl :( Also you could cut popsicle sticks and frame around all of the tin tiles with them to hide the edges (If they are long enough...or something similar). It really looks pretty good, and storage is always a win!

  6. I was thinking on the same lines as Karen. They make lathing strips, thin pieces of trimwork... perhaps cut four long ones for the verticals and 7000 shorter ones for the horizontals and tack them up with tiny finishing nails, to frame your tiles? It would be a shame to have to remove all your hard work. I really like the pattern on those. The dry erase board inside is a nice addition. If you get angry with someone you can write a nasty comment about them on it. Evidently it was good therapy for Amy's adversary.

  7. I'm going a different route.... Take out the tiles, and paint it with chalkboard paint. Then Jack can trash Amy too.

  8. Well, one good thing came out of it, at least. We all know you like Amies, and to be honest, I was a little worried you did not like anybody named Amy. Even though you think it's a disaster, I am looking on the positive side, you still have an awesome computer cabinet that hides all of Jack's crap. That's good. You can rip those damn tiles off lickity split when you get another genius idea. That's good. And, I think your idea for the tin tiles was pretty freaking genius. You need to keep it and figure something else out with it. Sorry that you had such a rough go of it though.

  9. I think your "disaster" looks great. I know all about those frustrating makeovers, though. I have those disasters every time I skip the priming step, no matter what type of paint I use. The faux tin tiles idea is brilliant. I may be stealing that one.

  10. I really think you are on to something with those tin tiles, Mel. Sometimes you just have to wonder WHY we must endure such challenges when all were trying to do is diy something and save a few dollars. That looks like a good solid piece that you are going to use over and over, so now you can just document all of the different ways you decorated it. I love me some Mels, by the way xoxo

  11. Oh Mel... it's always a bummer when something doesn't turn out the way we plan, but it's an awesome cabinet and you got a really great deal on it. For me a great deal is always a delight even when I mess it up a bit before I get it right. DIY can be frustrating sometimes that's for sure. I've had such good luck with homemade chalk paint that I haven't bought any of the "real" kind. I was just thinking that some kind of nail head trim or tacks might work as dividers for the tin panels. Just a thought.

  12. It wasn't a wash, it's getting good use that you (not seeing the mess) and he benefit from. So hurrah for eBay. :) You got a great price on it too!

  13. Your title drew me in and provided me great relief before I even started :)

    Sorry your terrific deal didn't turn out as expected but sometimes, that's for the best. Take a step back and when the mood strikes, again, and I am sure it will, you can give it another go.

  14. Hehehehe....yep, I'm laughing at you, poor thing! I HATE when you have a picture in your head of how a project is supposed to go and then it turns on you like a pit viper. In the end, it's adorable. :)



Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, between housework and 5 kids, this is the only thing I get out of bed for ;)

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