

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Quilt Organizer

Morning All,

The good folk at Wholeport sent me another package of craft goodness in the mail, every bloggers dream, Embroidery Hoops

Over my holidays the weather finally turned cool, the clocks went back and the nights have become long and I wanted something to hold my quilting. I needed something can just grab and go as soon as the little ones go off to bed, so here is my grab and go quilting organizer.


First up I cut 3 circles, then cut down the fabrics to make the pockets

Sewed on the bias binding

Filled it with my quilting goodies.

Then hung it up ready to grab once them babies have hit the hay.

DIY Delight or Disaster? Oh I am delighted, don't forget to check out Wholeport for all your embroidery needs. Super cheap and come back later this week for another hooptactular project.

Thanks for reading,

Mel xo

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  1. What a great idea Mel! These could be used to organize so many things.

  2. That is so cute, Mel. I love using hoops in different projects. They are so versatile!
    Looking forward to see what you come up with next.

  3. A delight indeed girl! My neighbor gave me three is an oval. I've had no idea what to do with them. This is very clever!

  4. That is such a clever idea! Easy enough that I could make it. It would be awesome for crochet hooks too.

  5. So simple and so cute! I love embroidery fact I want to decorate my sewing room with them. But I can't get 4 for $10 DANG!

  6. very cute way to display supplies inside supplies! I love embroidery hoops so much.

  7. I love that! What a brilliant idea. I swear, anything with embroidery hoops is an automatic win. Pinning!

  8. I have some hoops which I have no idea what to do with - great idea to turn them into organizers ! Yours is pretty enough to put up against a wall for decor {two in one!}

    1. Thanks again for linking this to our party, Mel! Hope to see you again tomorrow :-)

  9. You quilt as well? How on earth to you squeeze everything into the day, babies and all! That's a great idea and I think I'll steal it for scissors, seam rippers, etc. Pinning.

  10. What the what???? OMG I need this - I'm stealing - what a great idea!!!!!

  11. OK...I'm keeping track...knitting, sewing and quilting...Hmmmm......were we separated at birth? I know you can't be my daughter ....I remember my pregnancies and the ensuing 22 years VERY WELL thank you. You are SUCH a clever girl!!

  12. Oh wow, that is a great idea! I am so going to have to make myself one of these!

    Holly at Not Done Growing

  13. What a great idea, Mel! So cute for a craft room or kids room ~ Amy

  14. This is sooo cute! I love how easily you can get to everything! Great job :)

  15. That is so stinkin' cute, Mel! That could be used for so many things! I need to go get some hoops! Great idea & share! DELIGHT!

  16. Featured you today! Come on over and grab a featured button :-)


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, between housework and 5 kids, this is the only thing I get out of bed for ;)

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